Preventing Repetitive Strain Injuries

When there is repetitive movement in the body, be it at the job you do or participate in a sport or other activity that may use the same set of muscles and joints, you would have felt some kind of uneasiness, discomfort or even pain.  Sometimes this discomfort can...
Role of Cryotherapy

Role of Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy or cold therapy or ice treatment, has many uses within physiotherapy that can be very beneficial in helping you to reap the full benefits of your physiotherapy treatments! Depending on the location of the targeted area, your Physiotherapist will determine...

Immunity and Physical Therapy

The body’s immune system is like a war zone, fighting against illness and diseases. Even though it is the most powerful defence in the body,  sometimes germs can successfully invade our bodies and make us sick. Especially during the cooler months, we’re more likely to...
Why Custom Fit Orthotics?

Why Custom Fit Orthotics?

Being on your feet can trigger aches and pains in your feet and lower back. Mainly due to the shock of your feet hitting the ground, which can travel up your legs when you walk.Custom orthotics provide cushioning and support as they redistribute the pressure your feet...
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