Our Blog

We are committed as primary healthcare professionals to help our clients resume their lifelong pursuit of health, fitness, and well-being.

What is Trigger Point Release?

What is Trigger Point Release?

Our body accumulates various aches and pain during the course of our lives. As you age, you tend to accept some, but that shouldn't be the case....

Work from Home, Pain-Free!

Work from Home, Pain-Free!

Both digitalization and pandemic have forced people to stay in their homes to work. Which means people are spending most of the times in front of a...

Take Advantage of Massage Therapy!

Take Advantage of Massage Therapy!

Medical benefits of Massage therapy are endless. The simple act of massaging with the purpose of relaxing the muscle and facilitating wellness is...

What is Kinesiotaping?

What is Kinesiotaping?

The Kinesio Taping Method aka therapeutic taping is a technique which alleviates pain and facilitates lymphatic drainage by microscopically lifting...

Common Signs of Shoulder Pain

Common Signs of Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can happen to anyone regardless of age. It can be very intense and cause a lot of limitations with many of our day-to-day activities....

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