Four out of five individuals in Canada suffer from Lower back pain in some form in their lifetime, making it the leading cause of physical disability among the adult population. 

Patients suffering from most types of lower back pains are often suggested to go for physiotherapy as an initial non-invasive procedure before considering more aggressive options like back surgery. 

Since the human back is a highly complex system and series of interlocking elements that include the vertebrae, discs, facet joints, ligaments and muscles, physiotherapy is a good place to start. It focuses on decreasing the back pain, increasing function and teaching the patient a maintenance program to avoid back problems in the future. 

Types of Physiotherapies:

It is often treated in two modes, as a single line of treatment as well as in combination with other treatments such as massage, pain relieving modalities, Acupuncture, taping and strength training program

1) Active physical therapy

This type is used when the spine has to be rehabilitated. To get effective results, a generalized back exercise program should include the following:

  1. Stretching for back pain exercise, which includes simple Back & Leg stretches
  2. Low impact aerobic conditioning
  3. Strengthening for back pain exercise, involving 15-20 minutes of dynamic lumbar stabilization with/or other prescribed exercises

2) Supplementary treatments with physical therapy

In cases where exercise is either too painful or otherwise not possible, the therapist may consider passive therapies, including:

  1. Heat/ice packs
  2. Acupuncture
  3. Massage Therapy
  4. Appropriate Resting Position
  5. Activity Modifications


There are a series of stretching, weight-training and miscellaneous exercises that help alleviate lower back pain. The main ones amongst these include:

  1. Single Knee to Chest Stretch
  2. Hip Flexor Stretch
  3. Lumbar stabilization exercises
  4. Ankle Pumps
  5. Heel Slides
  6. Wall Squats
  7. Straight Leg Raises

If you are feeling acute pain, don’t wait until it becomes chronic! Call now to get customized advice. We are open in Bolton and Brampton!
Bolton: 905-533-2700
Brampton: 647-490-4541

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