An annoying protrusion at or near the vaginal opening, which may or may not be accompanied by perineal pressure that is aggravated by or relieved by lying down. It is not a gynaecological disease but a Functional Problem.
Risk Factors
- Obesity
- Post menopausal
- Over age 40
- Pregnancy and Birth
- Having had more than one child
- Forceps or suction delivery
- Gynaecological or Urinary Surgery
- Smoking
- Constipation/Chronic straining
- Uncomfortable Sex
- Feeling of Tampon in Vagina
- Feeling of bulge coming out of Vagina as if you are “sitting on Golf Ball”
- Persistent heaviness in lower abdominal area
- Going to toilet more often
- leaking small amount of Pee while exercising, cough, sneeze or laughter
Treatment Options will depend on severity of condition
- Conservative management
Avoid Heavy lifting, Treat chronic constipation, Weight loss
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
- Surgical Management
Hormonal Therapy
Vaginal Pessaries
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